Bjoern de Vil stilt theatre
The actors of the Bjoern de Vil - stilt theatre always love to perform - and this is realized by the spectators. Besides, our stilt theatre consists of artists who come from the most different genres, from actors through acrobats and musicians up to slackliners which have by far the best balance.
All of them love to inspire the dwarfs to her feet. Over and over again they create impro-theatrelike miniature scenes which entertains the spectators as well as the stilt actors.
Also Constanze Schuster of "Coleur & Co" from Hamburg belongs to the team who realises as a costume builder for many years Bjoern de Vil's ideas.

A short portrait of Bjoern de Vil
Bjoern de Vil performs in spite of having learnt real occupations like banker and certified sports teacher since his 22nd year professionally as a magician and juggler on stages in and beyond Germany.
He founded in 1997 the Bjoern de Vil stilt theatre.